UTC Swindon is first joint Johnson Matthey Sustainability Award winner
UTC Swindon, the specialist engineering university technical college, and Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells, have jointly won the 2013/14 Johnson Matthey Sustainability Award for the development of the college’s buildings.
The Johnson Matthey Sustainability Award is normally only awarded to Johnson Matthey business units for outstanding contributions to sustainability. However, due to the collaborative nature of the UTC Swindon community project, Johnson Matthey decided to award both partners.
This is the first time Johnson Matthey has bestowed the award on joint winners.
The award recognises the partnership between UTC Swindon and Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells in the year leading up to the opening in of the college in September this year.
Nick Garner, Johnson Matthey Group Director: Corporate and Strategic Development presented UTC Swindon with the Johnson Matthey Sustainability Award.
Also in attendance from Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells were Jack Frost, Managing Director, Kevin Fothergill, Director Non-Automotive Business and Lee Sweetland, Manufacturing Development Manager. UTC Swindon Directors Clair Dallamore, Human Resources Manager, Stephen Smith, Finance Director and Paul Holmes also attended.
Celebrating the award, Angela Barker-Dench, Principal at UTC Swindon, said: “I’m delighted to have been part of this project these past 13 months and enjoy welcoming people to the buildings. I would like to thank everyone from Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells for their hard work and commitment to the build. It’s been a pleasure to work with them.”
Three members of Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells are directors of UTC Swindon. To date, site personnel have worked over 6,000 hours on the project.
Simon Peet, Engineering Manager of Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells and Director of UTC Swindon, said: “This is a prestigious award within Johnson Matthey. Sustainability is central to the group. It’s fantastic to be a part of this project and work with UTC Swindon.”
As part of the original Great Western Rail works, the UTC Swindon site creates a link between the historic engineering and the engineering future of the local area, with the Old School Building and the iconic Water Tower featuring prominently. Both structures, which are Grade II listed, have been treated sympathetically, with the Water Tower being restored and brought back into educational use.
Catering for 600 students aged 14 to 19, UTC Swindon provides courses for young people who aspire to a career in engineering. The college provides opportunities to gain the necessary skills across the engineering industries.
UTC Swindon is run by a trust sponsored by Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells and Oxford Brookes University.
To apply for a place at UTC Swindon in September 2015, email [email protected] or download the application form at www.utcswindon.co.uk.
For more information, call UTC Swindon on 01793 207920
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