Business NewsSports Flooring NewsTenders

Sports Hall Floor Replacement at Churchill Community College

Contract summary


Construction and Real Estate

Location of contract

NE27 0BY

Value of contract (£)


Published date

28 September 2015

Closing date

04 October 2015

Contract start date

30 November 2015

Contract end date

16 October 2016



Replace Sports Hall Flooring as per Tender documentation. The previously advertised opportunity <b>A26C-9MSOFD</b> has been re-advertised allowing any potential Tenderers an opportunity to express and interest and submit a Tender. Expressions of Interest close on Sunday 4th October 2015 No previous application or expression of interest will be taken as an application for the purposes of this notice. Documents will be available to view once an expression of interest is submitted. Closing date for <b>SUBMISSION OF TENDERS</b> is BEFORE <b>12:00 noon on Monday 5th October 2015.</b>

About the buyer

Contact name

Christine Bordoli


Quadrant, Cobalt Business Park

The Silverlink North

North Tyneside

NE27 0BY



643 5662


[email protected]



Other information


Provider contract link

The Authority is seeking a suitable organisation to replace a sports hall floor at Churchill Community College. The previously advertised opportunity A26C-9MSOFD has been re-advertised allowing any potential Tenderers an opportunity to express an interest and submit their Tender. Applicants wishing to register their interest against this opportunity and obtain the tender documents should go to the web site located at select North Tyneside Council and enter Contract Reference:-A2SF-2HHFEC. Expressions of Interest close on Sunday 4th October 2015. Documents will be available to view once an expression of interest has been submitted. Closing date for SUBMISSION OF TENDERS is BEFORE 12:00 NOON on MONDAY 5th OTOBER 2015. Completed tenders are to be returned by the deadline of before noon on Monday 5th October 2015 via the electronic tendering system on the aforementioned portal. Unregistered suppliers will be directed to a Supplier Registration form to be completed. The Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any offer and will not be liable for any costs incurred by those expressing an interest or tendering for this contract. Any contract will be considered as a contract made in England according to English Law and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. No previous application or expression of interest will be taken as an application for the purposes of this notice.


How to apply

Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided

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