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More retailers ‘buy into’ the challenge of recycling carpets

More retailers are prepared to take on the challenge of recycling waste carpet that can potentially help them to make substantial cost savings while improving their service to customers, according to Carpet Recycling UK, the industry’s association for recycling and reusing carpet.

Speaking after the three-day 2016 Harrogate Flooring Show, CRUK Director Laurance Bird said there was a ‘noticeable increase’ in enquiries from companies looking to reduce their costs and gain green credentials through a sustainable disposal route for both uplifted carpet and post-installation offcuts.

“Larger retailers or contractors paying more than £500 per month for carpet waste disposal can reap the benefits,” explained Laurance. “Up to 30% savings are feasible if carpets are segregated and baled, which adds up to considerable savings over a year. Our many success stories demonstrate this.”

CRUK’s stand and two seminars providing practical advice and tips on how to recycle carpets attracted more than 100 delegates. CRUK member Kenburn Waste Management was also exhibiting and received several orders for their ‘carpet crusher’ at the show. This machine ‘compacts’ carpet waste with a 4:1 ratio, greatly reducing its bulk to save on transport costs associated with recycling it.

Simon Wells, Sales Manager at Kenburn revealed how companies generating an average two or three tonnes of waste carpet per week could achieve annual savings up to £8,000 to £10,000 a year. He said: “The cost to landfill waste is now an average £130 per tonne – a staggering 270% rise over nine years. Recycling carpet not only makes economic and environmental sense, it improves housekeeping and also tells a great story!”

Unveiling ‘The Secret of Carpet Recycling’, Peter Steel of Linney Cooper, another CRUK member, outlined the thought processes and steps retailers should consider to make recycling work for them.

“We need to change the way we look at our waste, where it goes to and what we can do about it. Organisations such as Carpet Recycling UK can help you dispose of carpet waste more responsibly – and save money.”

With on-going support from its core funders, Cormar Carpets, Lifestyle Floors/Headlam, Desso, Ege, Milliken, Balsan and Marlings, CRUK continues to drive solutions for the 400,000 tonnes of waste carpet that arise in the UK every year. Its target is 60% landfill diversion by 2020. Landfill diversion of carpets has increased from 2% to 31% over the past eight years.

Laurance added: “The reuse and recycling of waste carpet across the UK continues to rise year on year. It is very encouraging that more retailers are willing to join us on this journey to greater sustainability.”

Carpet Recycling UK welcomes enquiries from all types of organisations interested in finding new outlets for their waste carpet. For more information, please call Marie Rhodes on 0161 440 8325 or email: [email protected] or visit

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