New RIBA Assessed Flowing Floor Screeds CPD by Saint-Gobain Weber
Saint-Gobain Weber, the manufacturer of innovative, high-performance products, systems and technologies for the construction industry, is pleased to introduce their new CPD: ‘Introduction into Flowing Floor Screeds’.
In the industrial environment speed, strength and durability are key to a successful floor installation.
Weber’s technically superior range of industrial floor screeds provide these essential attributes creating stronger, smoother, longer lasting floors.
The speed of application is up to ten times faster than traditional screeds, and the fast drying/curing properties allow forklift traffic or resin to be applied within 24 hours.
In the commercial and residential sector, Weber’s range of floor screed products has been designed for optimum speed that is capable of achieving a smooth surface that is ready for foot traffic after only a few hours and can be covered with a soft floor covering in just 24 hours.
A variety of ancillary products support both ranges and include water-borne primer, glass fibre net, dB matting for impact sound reduction on floors, and high moisture tolerant, epoxy resin damp proof system.
This comprehensive CPD presentation covers many subjects from why and where to use floor systems; the attributes of commercial floors; design considerations; the demands of the finished floor that will influence specification, through to renovation, fast-track construction and drying times.
“New content has been designed into this CPD which we know is essential for architects, main contractors, interior designers and applicators,” says Tracey Dempster, head of marketing, Saint-Gobain Weber.
“This includes quality control procedures; the benefits of cementitious screeds over traditional screeds; moisture consideration and acoustic flooring system solutions. We’ve also included an application video showing our weberfloor 4310 fibre flow pump-applied, fibre-reinforced smoothing compound as we know this is of essential interest to both designers and applicators.”
British Standards are fully explained in the new Weber CPD and cover use and application of floor screeds; manufacturers’ test data and certification; compliance to an ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 quality system and workmanship on site which is covered by BS 800 part 9.
Now available in PowerPoint format, this one hour long RIBA-Assessed CPD can be presented by Weber’s Specification Team at your premises or a Saint-Gobain facility or Technical Academy anywhere in the UK.
This service is free of charge and available on request.
Weber floor screeds are manufactured in the UK ensuring efficient availability and lead times, adding to the company’s environmental and sustainability policies, reduced CO₂ emissions and transportation costs.
For more information about this CPD, to make a booking, or for technical support including award-winning training courses.
Please contact Saint-Gobain Weber on 08703 330 070, or visit
Alternatively, bookings can be made by email: [email protected].
A free download of the Weber App for iPhone and iPad users is also available from iTunes and Google Play for Android smartphones and tablet users.
Follow Saint-Gobain Weber on Twitter @SGWeberUK for the latest company news and updates.