International trade in services

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Table of contents
- Main points
- Your views matter
- Overview
- Summary
- Total international trade in services (excluding travel, transport and banking) by continent and countries
- Trade in services products: geographical analysis
- Trade in Services: Industry Analysis
- Quality and methodology
- Guidance on interpreting international trade in services statistics
- Accuracy
- Notes to tables
- Background notes
Main points
Total UK exports of services (excluding travel, transport and banking) in current prices continued to rise in 2015, increasing from £119,703 million in 2014 to £123,231 million, an increase of 2.9%.
Total UK exports of services to Asia saw the largest increase in 2015, rising from £19,703 million in 2014 to £21,452 million, an increase of 8.9%.
The professional, scientific and technical industrial grouping witnessed the largest increase in UK exports in 2015, rising by £2,260 million to a total of £35,760 million.
Total UK imports of services (excluding travel, transport and banking) in current prices rose by 7.4% in 2015, increasing from £54,455 million in 2014 to £58,508 million.
Total UK imports of services from Europe experienced the largest increase in 2015, rising from £29,085 million in 2014 to £31,483 million, an increase of 8.2%.
The information and communication industrial grouping continued to be the largest industry responsible for UK service imports in 2015.
Your views matter
We are constantly aiming to improve this release and its associated commentary. We would welcome any feedback you might have and would be particularly interested in knowing how you make use of these data to inform your work. For further information please contact us via email: [email protected] or telephone Sami Hamroush on +44 (0)1633 455087.
The 2015 International Trade in Services (ITIS) publication provides a detailed breakdown of annual trade in services estimates, analysing data by country, product and industry. These data are sourced from our International Trade in Services survey.
The ITIS survey is the main source of UK trade data although it is important to note that the survey does not cover the whole of the UK economy. The travel, transport and banking sectors of the economy are not covered by the ITIS survey, as these data are obtained from other sources such as the International Passenger Survey and the Bank of England. Estimates for the overall level of trade in services, including these industries, are published in our annual Pink Book and monthly UK trade publications. Based on the 2015 estimates, the ITIS data contributed approximately 55% and 43% respectively to the total trade in services export and import estimates for the whole of the UK.
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0.