2 One Day Training Academies at Multi-Hire, Shot-Blasting and Floor Stripping
Knowledge is Power, even in The Flooring Game
If you know pretty much everything there is to know about your job, then either your job’s so boring that you bitterly regret not trying harder at school, or you’re just about ready to retire!
The fact is that in this fast-moving world knowledge is your greatest drawback or competitive advantage, depending on how much you have.
Customers feel safe when they’re in the hands of someone who knows what he or she is talking about, and that’s a feeling they’re prepared to pay a premium for.
If your product knowledge is wafer thin, then you have only one thing to talk to your customers about – price.
This is especially true of the flooring industry. Two suppliers might approach a project from two separate angles, that may have widely differing price tags, results, disruption etc.
The supplier with an in-depth knowledge of both solutions is twice as likely to land the job, regardless of price.
The one trick pony is going to need to shave the price very close to cost to even stay in the game.
With this in mind, to give their customers that fighting competitive edge, Multi-Hire Power Tools and a US machine manufacturer National Flooring Equipment are teaming up to run two, one-day training academies on 11th and 12 April in Warrington.
The courses will cover Floor Stripping and Shot Blasting.
The topics will cover choosing and buying, applications, operating, maintenance, pitfalls, tips and benefits as well as alternatives – all this packed into one day.
The ethos will be ‘hands on’ with a selection of machines being put through their paces by the candidates. Definitely; a well worth it day out that’ll quickly pay for itself, especially given that it’s free of charge to anyone in the flooring industry, from director down.
Places are extremely limited so booking early is essential to secure a place. Hopefully there will even be time to squeeze in a bit of networking to.
To book your place email [email protected] or telephone MD Andy Harrison on 01925 653633